Major Update #1 - FIXING EPISODE 1

Hi, this is your lovely author,

Episode 1 already fixed and will launch today (January, 29th 2023). Why I'm not adding another episode too? It's because I need to reschedule my schedule. It's a mess guys! I tried my best to catch up with another dev, but here I Am.

With 0.0% alcohol cans surround me, eye bags, no girlfriend, an introvert with a headache every time I saw my assignment hasn't done., and I have to make money if I don't have it, I'm screw and this story will did not exist. So, this is what I fix:

1. Storyline

I read my game storyline over again and it's completely a mess. I mean a lot of choice and grammatical error makes me wonder sometimes I need to simplify the storyline. And yeah, it's not a simple task to do because a lot of my work postpone. Even my books haven't finished yet. I don't care if I'm not win the competition.

2. Code Fixing

I'm not familiar with my code that I used for my game. If you asked me what code I wrote in. It's Harlowe. You don't familiar with? Yes. I'm not familiar with that code. If HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Rust, Anchor, Django, MySQL, PHP, Docker, Node.Js, React.Js, Java, Solidity, and C++. I'm familiar with it. So, there are a lot of errors that I should fix and make my game functional well.

3. The Complexity

If you guys played Android Become Human, you know how the story is. At first project, I want to make this game the same as them, but again. It's a novel-based game without a picture exist and I hope you (the reader) not bored with the storyline. So, I decide to make it simple and friendly to your enjoyments. 

4. Fixing Bug

Fixing bugs it's not that simple as you think. If you can't identify, it will break your game.

That's all for now. I hope you (the reader) will share this game and donate because I'm literally broke as fuck. And for your information, don't forget to visit to my social media and books through to this link

See you at the next update.

Best regards,
Author Lobak

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